MAPL employs a number of tools to monitor your office while you work or while your away. But what do they do and why should you want it? We wanted to take some time to answer these questions for you.
Proactive vs. Reactive
Traditional IT companies take a Reactive approach to issues that come up at the office. A typically scenario plays out something like this: You have an agreement with you IT company to resolve issues as they happen, That IT company sits around and waits for you to call them with an issue, they go out or remote in to resolve the issue and you then get a bill for the time they spent on that particular issue.
The problem with that is two fold first by the time they are being called to fix the issue it has already affected your office and on top of that you have know way of knowing how much you will be spending on IT in any given month.
We wanted to create a solution that answered these problems and we did. MAPL Monitoring is a combination of hardware and software tools installed in the business to help identify potential issues prior to them becoming a problem in your business.
Software vs Hardware Monitoring Tools
Many cutting edge IT firms around the country are starting to employ software based monitoring tools in the business. It has been around in the windows world for years and about 5 years ago starting to really take off in the Apple world as well. With Software based monitoring tools we can determine when your hard drive is starting to fail well before it starts presenting noticeable issues. This allows us to reach out to you and work out a time that will impact the business less to replace the drive. We are also able to ensure that software is up to date, other hardware like ram is functioning correctly, your backups are being completed, as well as various other issues related to the individual computers.
This is all really important stuff that allow us to keep our clients up and running longer with limited downtime. We felt that that wasn't enough though. We wanted to be able to monitor our clients internet speeds and make sure that the internet was up. We didn't want our clients to call us first thing in the morning letting us know internet or power is out at the office so we employ a hardware based tool to do exactly that.
Now when our clients internet goes down in the middle of the night we are able to instantly respond and reach out to the service provider to ensure that someone will be at the office first thing in the morning to resolve the issue. We are able to call our clients and let them know whats going on so that they are not walking into their office in the morning and learning that their internet is out.
In addition to internet is also lets us monitor printers, network switches, and even external websites so that we have a greater understanding of whats going on with all the technology in our clients environment.
We feel that only a solution like this gives us the tools to provide proactive IT support and proved our clients with the piece of mind knowing that things in their office are running something and will continue to run that way for the foreseeable future.
Level Billing
What we have found is that when all of these tools are setup in an office IT costs go down because issues are caught earlier productivity stays up and the solutions to the problems are less costly. For that reason we provide customers with the option for us to provider services at a monthly rate per computer instead of billing by the hour per issue. This allows us to scale with the customer and provide a fair and easily predictable bill for services rendered.
We feel this is the correct way to provide IT services to our clients. If you have any questions or would like to know more reach out to 888-581-6275